Esign and its use
What is eSign?
eSign refers to an electronic signature used online, often required for official documents in companies, offices, or banking jobs.
How to Use eSign with Wondershare Software:
Step 1:
Go to Wondershare eSign Website
1. Open your browser and go to [](
Step 2:
Create an Account
1. Sign up and create an account on the Wondershare eSign platform.
Step 3:
Login to Your Account
1. Log in to your Wondershare eSign account.
Step 4:
Start Signing
1. Click on "Start for Signing."
Step 5:
Upload Document
1. Upload the document on which you want to add a signature.
Step 6:
Enter Recipient Information
1. Enter the recipient's email address.
2. Choose if a code is required for additional security.
Step 7:
Select Signature
1. Click on "I need to sign" and then click "Next."
2. Agree to the terms and continue.
Step 8:
Create Signature
1. Click on "Signature" and choose to create a signature.
2. Enter the recipient's email.
3. Draw the signature using the pen tool.
4. Click "Send for Signature."
Step 9:
Check Sent Messages
1. Go to your documents or messages to check if the eSign request has been sent.
The recipient will receive an email notification to sign the document. After the recipient signs, you will be notified, and you can check the completed document in your account.
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