Interesting Facts About Computers
The First Computer Mouse:
- Invented by Douglas Engelbart, an American engineer, the first computer mouse was introduced in 1964. Surprisingly, it was crafted from wood and designed to aid in navigating computer interfaces.
IBM’s 305 RAMAC Supercomputer:
- In 1956, IBM launched the 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control), the first computer to use a hard disk drive. The machine was massive, roughly the size of a room, and weighed over a ton.
Longest Word Typed on a Single Row of Keys:
- The word "typewriter" is famously typed using only the top row of a QWERTY keyboard. This is often cited as a curious fact about keyboard design and its practical use.
The First 1GB Hard Disk:
- Introduced in 1980, the first 1GB hard disk was a behemoth weighing about 550 pounds (250 kg) and cost approximately $45,000. This large and costly storage device marked a significant milestone in data storage technology.
The First Computer – ENIAC:
- The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), completed in 1946, is considered one of the first general-purpose electronic digital computers. It measured about 167 feet long and weighed over 30 tons.
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