How we block website on laptop or computer
Step 1:
Open Notepad as Administrator
1. Open Notepad on your computer desktop.
2. Right-click on Notepad and select "Run as administrator."
Step 2:
Navigate to the Hosts File
1. Click on "File" and then "Open."
2. Navigate to the C drive (usually located at `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc`).
3. Select the "hosts" file.
Step 3:
Edit the Hosts File
1. Open the hosts file and scroll down to the bottom.
2. You'll see an IP address at the end of the file.
3. Paste the following line below the IP address:
Replace "" with the website URL you want to block.
Step 4:
Save Changes
1. Save the changes to the hosts file.
2. Close Notepad.
Step 5:
Check the Blocked Website
1. Open a web browser and try to access the blocked website.
2. Refresh the page, and you should see an error message stating that the site cannot be reached.
By following these steps, you can block access to specific websites on your computer using the hosts file. The linked video provides a visual guide for additional assistance.
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